Monday, October 06, 2008

Update On Me

I took these past five months to focus on things that matter to me in my life. We all need to do that once in a while. So, in no particular order, here are the things I have been doing:

From Both Ends Radio Show - Dr. Gomes and I have decided to go virtual with our weekly show. Response has been great, emails keep coming in, and you can catch every episode on iTunes. Just do a search for From Both Ends Radio Show and you can subscribe.

Book - I put my sequel to Bitter, Party of One waaaaay on the back burner due to the radio show. I still write notes to myself on what to include in the book, but as far as actually assembling it, that is a project scheduled for 2009.

Another Book – I have an extensive outline on a novel based on a middle-aged Jewish guy with an unhappy marriage and an obsession for a girl he only sees in a recurring dream. As much as you may think so, it is NOT autobiographical. Besides, I’m not middle-aged.

Music – This is the thing that I am focusing on the most right now. Since the hiatus of The Buzzcuts and the stagnation of The Artisan Brothers, I have decided to do something I have wanted to do for years, that is make a solo album. I have written about 25 songs and pared it down to 14. Recording has already commenced and I am looking for an early 2009 release. What type of music, you ask? Old-guy rock. Regular, old-fashioned, mainstream, simple rock. Think John Hiatt meets Tom Petty with a little schmaltz thrown in for good measure.

Family – Doing great, nothing is better than watching my little girl grow. I have an extremely supportive wife and a great group of encouraging friends to help me see my projects through to fruition.

I feel blessed.
