Monday, October 06, 2008

Update On Me

I took these past five months to focus on things that matter to me in my life. We all need to do that once in a while. So, in no particular order, here are the things I have been doing:

From Both Ends Radio Show - Dr. Gomes and I have decided to go virtual with our weekly show. Response has been great, emails keep coming in, and you can catch every episode on iTunes. Just do a search for From Both Ends Radio Show and you can subscribe.

Book - I put my sequel to Bitter, Party of One waaaaay on the back burner due to the radio show. I still write notes to myself on what to include in the book, but as far as actually assembling it, that is a project scheduled for 2009.

Another Book – I have an extensive outline on a novel based on a middle-aged Jewish guy with an unhappy marriage and an obsession for a girl he only sees in a recurring dream. As much as you may think so, it is NOT autobiographical. Besides, I’m not middle-aged.

Music – This is the thing that I am focusing on the most right now. Since the hiatus of The Buzzcuts and the stagnation of The Artisan Brothers, I have decided to do something I have wanted to do for years, that is make a solo album. I have written about 25 songs and pared it down to 14. Recording has already commenced and I am looking for an early 2009 release. What type of music, you ask? Old-guy rock. Regular, old-fashioned, mainstream, simple rock. Think John Hiatt meets Tom Petty with a little schmaltz thrown in for good measure.

Family – Doing great, nothing is better than watching my little girl grow. I have an extremely supportive wife and a great group of encouraging friends to help me see my projects through to fruition.

I feel blessed.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Oh, THERE you are."

I know what you're thinking. Where the hell has he been for so long?

I have been amazingly busy with work, music, writing and, most importantly, my little baby girl. She is the apple of my eye. Whatever the hell that means.

First on the home front: My baby will be a year old next week. She has two top front teeth that are growing in. The problem is that when she smiles, she looks like Sponge Bob. Cute if you are a baby, but if it stays that way I don't think she's gonna get many dates.

Second on the livelihood front: I was dismayed to discover that I feel like I missed the entire year of my little girl's life. The only thing to do to rectify that situation was to quit my job for another with less hours and more money. Not an easy feat, but due to some will of the Job-Gods, I was able to do so.

Third on the show business front: I was offered then not offered a few TV pilots. I think the Job-Gods should give a good talking to the Show-Business-Gods. They seem to be slacking.

Fourth on the media front: Dr. Manuel Gomes and I have started a radio show based on our popular From Both Ends column. You can listen to the archived shows here.

Fifth on the music front (A-side): I have put my band, The Buzzcuts, in limbo for the time being. There just aren't enough hours in the day.

Sixth on the music front (B-side): I am still trying to get The Artisan Brothers to record an album. The only thing lacking is about 10 songs.

Seventh on the health front: I started the South Beach Diet in the beginning of March. When that is done, I will eat the North Beach. I lost about 15 pounds but the stress was too much to bear. One blustery night, they found me unconscious, face down in the local Krispy Kreme.

As usual, here is my promise to try to post more often. Hopefully, with more of my time freed up, I can keep it. But, if I can't, well, you know where to find me.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Year, New Music

I want to wish everyone a healthy and a happy New Year.

What I do not want to do is post anything about the stop smoking; lose weight; get a better paying job; listen to my wife; tolerate my mother-in-law; take a painting class; buy a puppy; volunteer at a soup kitchen; clean the garage resolutions people fail to keep year after year.

What I would like to give you all is the gift of music.

I am in the lucky position where people find me on-line, laugh, and then email me just to say hi. I can’t tell you how great that is.

One such person did that. She emailed me to say how funny the ad was and wanted to wish me well. We got to chatting, and I found out she is a motorcycle riding, singer-songwriter. A kindred spirit! Two of my own passions. Imagine that.

She gave me her website address and MySpace page link. When I opened it up, she had one of her songs playing. I immediately liked it. In fact, I liked it so much I ordered one of her CDs.

Her inspiration, she says on her site, comes from Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon, John Denver and other folk artists form the ‘60s and ‘70s. I am here to tell you that her music transcends eras.

I found her style to be broader than what she let on. When listening to her “Where’s the Moon” album, I got the distinct feeling I was listening to the love child of Michael Stipe and Natalie Merchant. Throw in her stepbrother Chris Isaak and you have what I consider to be an eclectic mix of folk/acoustic rock with intelligent lyrics and hooky chorus lines like, “In the company of friends, I feel strong, in the company of friends.”

Cyndi Fisher is this woman’s name. She has all three universal attributes – she is talented, cool, and hot (on her website, and one of her songs, she thanks her mom for her butt, which I consider to be, uh, well-rounded). or

To my darling wife: If you are reading this, I will be home to clean the garage right after I stop at the store for some Nicoderm and Hoodia.